KO Competitions - 2022/23

We’ve reached the conclusion of the London City League Winter Season, and with that it means we now know the winners of the KO competitions. We’d like to congratulate our winners, who will be able to receive their trophies at the AGM on August 2nd.

Team KO
Winner: Bank Shots
Runner-up: LCP Leaf-tailed Geckos

Singles KO
Winner: Nick Phillips
Runner-up: Tom Haworth

Doubles KO
Winners: Nick Phillips & Rupert Ward
Runners-up: Omeed Starmer & Richard Phillips

Special note about Nick - who has now not lost in the Doubles KO since the 2015/16 competition (and yes, he has entered every edition since) - and he has also completed the Singles/Doubles double for two years in a row. Quite the achievement!

I just want to thank everyone for their participation in all the competitions this year - and we look forward to running them again in the 23/24 Winter Season.
There aren’t any official knockout competitions in the Summer League as we trial that league format. However, if anyone has any suggestions for improvements to the KO competitions for next year - please feel free to talk to me, or raise at the AGM.

Many thanks and once again congratulations to our winners.